Tip and advice on how to make digital technology work for you rather than you working for the technology.

I previously wrote a post about feedback loops being all around us but the other day I was confronted by the enormity of self induced feedback loops. I was particularly shocked by the complete lack of awareness that we have when imposing these feedback loop on ourselves. By being unaware we are not harnessing the

I was working on my book last night and as I was writing I my thoughts on motivation I realised that I should put this bit up as a post because on one hand it is so obvious but on the other humans tend to marginalise its importance. I think, particularly in the digital environment,

Feedback loops are everywhere! People use them for ordinary tasks like getting to work on time or complex tasks like fitting into society. Our ability to take feedback information in a constructive way can help us reach our objective more rapidly. More importantly our ability to manage technology to provide feedback information in a constructive

Everything is connected. See for yourself! I was looking for recipe on the Net when I came across this uTube clip. I was mesmerised by the three rattling skeletons as they gyrated in preparation for the music. As the singing started I noticed my focus changing to the fluidity of each independent figure but at

So just what IS the time? One of the early challenges to my research was understanding basic human concepts and how they are altered in the digital age. A key concept is time because time affects other concepts like memory or sense of self . I was watching a group of children playing the game “What’s

Improving your system awareness starts with your senses. Try brushing your teeth with the hand you do not usually use. While you are doing this, focus on how you feel. This may include a sense of being unbalanced, uncoordinated or simply that you are not being effective in brushing your teeth. By focusing on how

I received an email from someone very dear to me this morning that really grounded me and got my focus back to the real motivation of my research. She said… “– you should really start a blog using your knowledge gained from all these years of study doing your thesis combined with practical experience. I think