Academic journals related to the topic of digital engagement.

Got the edits done despite a medical emergency of a family member. Another step completed in the long road of articles, papers, chapters and documentation necessary for this journey!

Submitted my paper to First Monday titled ‘A framework for understanding Digital Engagement’. As expected drafting the content was no problem but the writing style was a challenge. They have particular requirements and audience type. Meeting their needs was very beneficial because it forced me to present my ideas in more generally understood terminology. Also

The paper I presented at the ANZCA conference has been published in the ANZCA special issue. You can find it here:

The full paper from ‘The Truth is Out There’ conference has been accepted and will be going to print.

The Impact of Digital network Technology on Individual and Societal Truths.
Conference Proposal
Abstract The truth may be out there but do we want to hear it? Is it accessible, if so, for how long. Engagement with digital networks appears to enmesh human activity and behavior in a significant and iterative way, and seems to result from the inherent nature of digital networks and individual’ characteristics such as

Abstract Educators, supervisors and mentors strive for the ‘eureka moment’, the moment when someone, “gets it”. As we move more of our lives into online interaction and collaboration, there has never been a more important time to ‘get it’ than now. Teamwork between humans has provided an advantage to groups and societies which profoundly affect

The term ‘Web 2.0’ emerged in 2004 simply as a marketing phrase for a conference to discuss post dotcom trends in the Internet. It became popular with the media to label something new that was as yet undefined. The term is mostly used in association with social applications it is however more complex. The term