Results in and really good!
Christmas break delayed the return of my results from the evaluation of my thesis but they are in and really good. There are only a few minor things to take care of but its all pretty straight forward.
My only problem is that my supervisor has left Curtin, although she very kindly stayed on till my thesis was in, and my co-supervisor is away on extended leave. So once again I’m sort of on my own in the tricky administration phase.
Thankfully my Chairperson is still there and she has been a constant beacon of light throughout my studies and the head of department has also taken an interest so it may not be as bad as I think it could be.
I must say that I am extremely grateful to both my supervisors, they have helped me navigate this last part of my thesis, which is not easy, and I have learned so much from them. I really wish Helen a wonderful new career and Eleanor a good break. They both deserve it.