Back to the beginning…
I received an email from someone very dear to me this morning that really grounded me and got my focus back to the real motivation of my research. She said…
“– you should really start a blog using your knowledge gained from all these years of study doing your thesis combined with practical experience. I think it would be fantastic – I always remember you saying brush your teeth with the other hand, challenge yourself in big and small ways to stimulate different neural pathways in the brain. It is very valuable knowledge you have. I don’t know if you have the time for it, but a blog would be fantastic for interested ordinary folk in my opinion.”
This was a reminder that it is the practical application of my research that will actually benefit individuals. Yes, I needed the academic research to understand, explain and justify my theories but now I need to provide practical tips that people can use in order to benefit from my research. So, thank you for reminding me…
My blog will now contain more practical tips and short bits of information, based on my research, explaining how and why these tips are important and why doing them will ultimately help you get the results you want. I firmly believe, and will show over time, that each person is truly unique and they are the only one in control of their life. I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all solution, nor do I believe in telling you that ‘I have the answer’. You have to figure it out for yourself – but that is life!
By studying digital engagement I now understand the mechanism that drives the development of our behaviors, and why behaviors in society are being amplified since the introduction of digital technology. By sharing this information and giving ‘to do tips’ on my blog, you will find your own solution, your own answers and your own motivation: You will be in control of your behavioral evolution.
Where applicable I will also add links to additional information for those who want more detailed information.
So my very dear motivator who is half a world away…. THANK YOU – enjoy and share!