Feedback loops…?!
Feedback loops are everywhere!
People use them for ordinary tasks like getting to work on time or complex tasks like fitting into society.
Our ability to take feedback information in a constructive way can help us reach our objective more rapidly. More importantly our ability to manage technology to provide feedback information in a constructive way can help us reach our objective more rapidly because it can do so in rapid small doses that are conducive to our unique behavioural learning patterns.
For example: If we can have an alarm clock to wake us up on time. It will certainly serve its purpose, but the loud noise or radio may not be a constructive experience. The beep of the alarm may shock you out of sleep or the daily news may set a depressing tone to your day and elicit negative behaviours.
However, on your mobile phone you could choose a wakeup sound that you find pleasant and appealing. This will help provide a constructive cybernetic relationship between you and the technology.
Then you could go one step further. With a little conditioned reflective thinking, you could train yourself to have biochemical responses that trigger constructive action. If you do this, you will have created a second order cybernetic system that will maximise and amplify the feedback loop between you and your technology.
If you attain this, you will not only wake you up on time but it will wake you up focused and directed to your unique and specific goals.
Most importantly over time this will become an instinctive and embedded behaviour.