The term ‘cybernetics’ relates to the study of self-regulating systems that adjust themselves in order to achieve a desired outcome. These systems are everywhere. People use them for ordinary tasks like getting to work on time or complex tasks like fitting into society. Examples of self-regulating systems are also found in things like air conditioners.
When we engage with technology we form a cybernetic relationship with it. Understanding how digital engagement works could help you harness the power of technology for behavioural modification, for your business or for personal reasons.
Millennial Transitions: The role of Values Part 2
Values are vital for millennials
Aim of the Transition Program The overarching goal of the institute is that student embody fundamental principles, or standards of behavior, that exemplify what is popularly considered important for encouraging personal growth and constructive social behavior. This particular institute embody the following values: Respect, Service, Responsibility, Friendship, Humility, Leadership, Enlightenment, Inclusion, Rigor, Attainment, and Engagement.
In 2018 I was asked to research what the current cohort of tertiary education students felt they needed to help them more successfully transition into the workforce. Based on my findings I then developed a program to address the issues. This section of my website, flagged by the keywords ‘millennial’ and ‘transitions’, reports on my

During the Covid-19 virus crisis, the dominant message across the globe is: the behavior of individuals’ affects the well-being of society. We must therefore isolate, minimize social contact and practice social distancing. This as we know is effective in reducing the virus spread but it is impacting on our economy. Both the virus spread and

I previously wrote a post about feedback loops being all around us but the other day I was confronted by the enormity of self induced feedback loops. I was particularly shocked by the complete lack of awareness that we have when imposing these feedback loop on ourselves. By being unaware we are not harnessing the

Does using Technology expand your brain? When I began researching digital engagement I found there was an elusive element that could not completely be applied to commonly accepted theories. I consistently found that popular theories only partially explained what I was witnessing as digital engagement. I eventually came across cybernetics, which tends to be dismissed

Last night at a conference we were in a small group discussing ‘where we are going’ and explaining that ‘how we engage with technology’ was one of the key issues of the day. The general view was that …”Every social institution we have is simultaneously being changed by technology. From how we issue Treasury Bonds