Transitions mark the progress of humankind. Each phase of our life begins with a transition into it and ends as we transition out of it. The smoother or better equipped we are to deal with transitions the greater our chance for success.
Millennial Transitions: The role of Values Part 2
Values are vital for millennials
Aim of the Transition Program The overarching goal of the institute is that student embody fundamental principles, or standards of behavior, that exemplify what is popularly considered important for encouraging personal growth and constructive social behavior. This particular institute embody the following values: Respect, Service, Responsibility, Friendship, Humility, Leadership, Enlightenment, Inclusion, Rigor, Attainment, and Engagement.
In 2018 I was asked to research what the current cohort of tertiary education students felt they needed to help them more successfully transition into the workforce. Based on my findings I then developed a program to address the issues. This section of my website, flagged by the keywords ‘millennial’ and ‘transitions’, reports on my