5. Behaviour Evaluation: Values 1. There are over 100 values listed here. Select about 15-25 that you feel describe values that you embody. * Abundance Acceptance Accountability Achievement Advancement Adventure Advocacy Ambition Appreciation Attractiveness Autonomy Balance Being the Best Benevolence Boldness Brilliance Calmness Caring Challenge Charity Cheerfulness Cleverness Community Commitment Compassion Cooperation Collaboration Consistency Contribution Creativity Credibility Curiosity Daring Decisiveness Dedication Dependability Diversity Empathy Encouragement Enthusiasm Ethics Excellence Expressiveness Fairness Family Friendships Flexibility Freedom Fun Generosity Grace Growth Flexibility Happiness Health Honesty Humility Humor Inclusiveness Independence Individuality Innovation Inspiration Intelligence Intuition Joy Kindness Knowledge Leadership Learning Love Loyalty Making a Difference Mindfulness Motivation Optimism Open-Mindedness Originality Passion Performance Personal Development Proactive Professionalism Quality Recognition Risk Taking Safety Security Service Spirituality Stability Peace Perfection Playfulness Popularity Power Preparedness Proactivity Professionalism Punctuality Recognition Relationships Reliability Resilience Resourcefulness Responsibility Responsiveness Security Self-Control Selflessness Simplicity Stability Success Teamwork Thankfulness Thoughtfulness Traditionalism Trustworthiness Understanding Uniqueness Usefulness Versatility Vision Warmth Wealth Well-Being Wisdom Zeal OtherOther 2. Of the values that you have selected, what value do you think your PEERS value most in STUDENT LEADERS? * 3. Of the values that you have selected, what value do you think EMPLOYERS will value most in YOU? * 4. Of the values that you have selected, what value do you think CLOSE FRIENDS and FAMILY value most in YOU? * 5. Select any statements that truly apply to you: * I will do what I must just to stay alive. I believe I should keep ‘the spirits’/’the gods’/’god’ happy and the tribe warm and safe. I believe I must be who I am and do what I want, regardless of other people’s views. I believe life has meaning, direction, and purpose with predetermined outcomes. I play the game to win. I seek peace within the inner self and explore the caring dimensions of community. 6. Select the one that MOST applies to you: * I believe I should live fully and responsibly being what I am and what I am learning to become. I believe I should experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit. 7. Select the one that MOST applies to you: * I will do what I must just to stay alive. I believe I should keep ‘the spirits’/’the gods’/’god’ happy and the tribe warm and safe. I believe I must be who I am and do what I want, regardless of other people’s views. I believe life has meaning, direction, and purpose with predetermined outcomes. I play the game to win. I seek peace within the inner self and explore the caring dimensions of community. 8. Which set of words MOST applies to you: * established, basic, automatic, instinctive, needs-driven, wish-fulfilment. tribal, magical, mystical, higher powers, ritual, protection. power, glory, rage, revenge, ego, impulsive, rebellious, take, align, power. good, evil, absolute, obedient, purpose, rules, excel, path, truth. achievement, materialist, strategic, ambitious, individual, compete, win, pleasure, acquisition, civilization, goals, success. connection, community, egalitarianism, consensus, relative, personal, pluralist, sensitive, diversity, many. Whole, synthesize, intelligence integration, systemic, ecological, flexible, and conceptual, learning and adapting. Compassion, harmony, peace, receptive, perspectives equity. 9. Having heard the information in this session which 'SELF' do you think you are currently stuck in? * The Instinctive Self The Spiritual Self The Impulsive Self The Rules & Role Self The Achiever Self The Sensitive Self The Integral Self The Holistic Self How much has the information in this program changed your views on the role of values in your development? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 = NOT at all __________________10 = A LOT Submit Δ